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ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 Certification for Brebeck Composite

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 Certification for Brebeck Composite

We are proud to share that in June 2012, BREBECK Composite has successfully completed the ISO 9001 certification process in quality management system and was granted the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 Certification.


The final audit was conducted by TÜV SÜD, an internationally accredited certification body for various management systems. TÜV SÜD has the know-how to audit and certify a wide range of internationally recognized management systems related to quality, environment, energy, safety, risk, health, education, business continuity and social responsibility.

Having an effective management system is a testament of our company’s effort to continuously improve our operation. It demonstrates our commitment to quality, safety and security. It shows transparency in our processes and resources and it emphasizes our dedication to raising employee motivation and customer satisfaction.

Therefore, when it comes to choosing a partner to help you with your solution for carbon fiber production, choose BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

Day in a Life of the BREBECK Composite Team


Have you ever wondered what a typical day at work at BREBECK Composite looks like? We have a few pictures for you that will show you just that. The process of making carbon fiber products requires several very expensive machines. However, as  you can see below, even the most hi-tech process is not complete without the human involvement.

A lot of the preparation work necessary prior to putting a new carbon fiber product into the Autoclave Technik oven takes the precision of human hands.

A Day in a Life of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

A Day in a Life of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

A Day in a Life of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

A Day in a Life of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

 No business would survive without the daily admin, paper work, emails, phone calls…..

Thomas Brebeck,  the Head of Operations of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

Thomas Brebeck, the Head of Operations of BREBECK Composite s.r.o.

Thanks for checking in! Work is calling again and so we gotta go. Hope your day at work is as fulfilling as ours.

Have a great day!

Have You Met Brebeck Composite’s Team Yet?

I can’t believe it’s the end of April already! I didn’t even realize that it has been a few weeks since my last post in the carbon fiber blogging community. The reason why is because we have been very busy at BREBECK Composite s.r.o. and it is a very good thing!

Well, what is the latest news? We have secured a new partnership with Audi Motorsport! This very important partnership along with two other customers of ours, BMW and Reiter Lamborghini, has added a huge volume in our carbon fiber production line. In addition, I am very happy to share with you that today, Audi and BMW are BREBECK Composite’s two biggest customers!

As I have already mentioned, our work load has increased tremendously ever since Audi joined our customer list . Keeping up with all of our customers’ demands while ensuring top quality required additional hiring in the Brebeck Composite’s family. Today, we are a family of seven (7) with the prospect of hiring additional two (2) people in the production area. It is humbling yet rewarding to watch our family and business grow so fast! One interesting fact about us is that we are a multi-national team. You will hear us speaking four different languages – Czech, German, English and Polish – mostly because a few members of our team don’t speak Czech.

BREBECK Composite's team standing in front of the Autoclave Technic. From the left: Christian, Alice, Thomas, Pavla, Lukas, Petr, Flori.

Meet our team in the order of the picture above:

Christian is the Production Manager. He speaks German and English.

Alice works in Production. She speaks Czech and Polish.

Thomas is the co-Founder and he leads the operation. He speaks German, English and Czech.

Pavla is a Personal Assistant. She speaks Czech, German and English.

Lukas works in Production. He speaks Czech and English.

Peter works in Production. He speaks Czech and English.

Flori works in Production. He speaks German and English.

I took the pictures below today to show you what our typical workday and sometimes night look like.

Lukas operating the cutting machine

Lukas operating the cutting machine. This is a detail oriented job as one millimeter off can destroy an entire car part prepared by the BREBECK Composite team.

Thomas and Christian conducting a quality check.

Thomas and Christian conducting a quality check. This process is a final preparation before the carbon fiber part goes into Autoclave.

Well my friends, this is it for today. I have more exciting news to share with you very soon! If you have any questions about carbon fiber, our production line or our team, type them right here. I will check later and I will reply to them all. Until then!